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Spiritual Formation

"Spiritual Formation" is woven through academic programs, residence and commuter life, Student Government Association, campus clubs and organizations, and all other programs and university gatherings. As a Christ-centered University, we seek to continually be made aware of and participate in God's transformative love.

While we are rooted in the Anabaptist-Mennonite Brethren tradition, FPU is comprised of diverse faith backgrounds. Therefore, we strive to be a place of radical inclusion for all, whether you identify with a specific stream of Christian faith, if you are unsure what role spirituality plays in your life, or even if you hold convictions that differ from historic Christianity.

College Hour

College Hour provides weekly gatherings for our community to learn, celebrate and worship through music, the arts, contemplation, Scripture engagement and public discourse.

View current schedule

College Hour Gatherings

Monday: Capax Dei

Mondays at 10 am in the Warkentin Prayer Chapel, the FPU community is invited to create space for God through a time of contemplative prayer and reflection. Capax Dei will begin on Monday, January 8, 2024.

Wednesday: Chapel

On Wednesday at 10 am, the FPU community gathers for College Hour in the Warkentine Culture and Arts Center. This is a time of worship and Bible-centered teaching with our campus community. This year, our theme is 鈥Heart. Soul. Mind. Strength.(鈥淐oraz贸n. Alma. Mente. Fuerza.鈥), taken from the words of Jesus in Mark 12:30 and Luke 10:27. When responding to a question about the 鈥渕ost important commandment,鈥 Jesus quotes the shema from Deuteronomy 6, instructing us that love of God and neighbor involves every aspect of human life.

Friday: Chirp

On Fridays at 10 am, students gather in the BC Lounge to engage in conversation and learning about important topics in our community. In partnership with On-Site Counseling and the Intercultural Learning center, themes for Chirp will include mental, emotional, and spiritual health, nutrition, interfaith dialogue, nutrition, diversity and various other topics.


Photo of Lena Vang

Lena Vang

BA in Social Work, Graduate 2014

My friend said to me she understood why I was interested in Jesus; that I was motivated by social justice, peace and working with the poor, just like him. I'd never heard it said that way...it made sense. I'm really focused on what it's like to be like Christ every day.